Portfolio > US.XI.

Sometimes the pull of where one is from is strong. Ones blood. Old and dearest friends. Familiar land and roads. Long established haunts. The need to check up and check in. And some of the time those very things that make ones home what it is begin to close in on a person. And that person begins to feel stuck there. Looking backwards and inwards in forward and outwards stead. And you begin to become that person that you were and not who you want to be. The will to move forward becomes strong and sometimes outweighs those responsiblities real and those loyatlies self imposed. And the fear and restlessness become real and tangible.The moving and thinking in circles detrimental. The need for outward linear viking crucial. And the pull of the road is stronger. And so you roll on. Again.

East Central Ohio. USA. Autumn. 2009.