My dear friend Charlie Roberts has been saying for years now that I needed to see Ohio by river. And he was right. He strapped two boats to my car and I followed him to leave his car where we were going ot get out of the river. The funny thing about Charlie is that he is one of those folks that really sees the value of the human character. Sees the good in poeple. Gives a person a break. I accidentally caught the house he owned on fire a few years back when a candle I was burning tiped off of the window sill and onto my backpack which had a bunch of prints and negatives and matches and explicit german pornography these fishermen in Berlin had given me in it. The firemen were confused when they found it smoldering in the closet into which I had thrown it out of shame. Then the next year I accidentally caught Charlies caboose on fire while I was drying the stiches in my foot out. He still lets me come over and shoot bottle rockets off. He just says Oh God, the people you run into when you dont have a gun.
The Man Himself. Licking River. Ohio. USA. 2010.